Just watched AmericaN IdOL FinaLe just now...it's great! AND CARRIE WON!!! YEaH!! :) Bo is great too, just dat they both have a distintive of their own.
Aiyayayayaya!! ExaM oN MondaY!! How ?? StiLL nt prepare! Cant understand chemistry!!!SO SO SO SO STRESS!!! I never feel so stress b4, not even in 'O' level...i guess. But thefeeling is so different la, i got so much fear, so kiasu this tym!! OmiGOD!! So KIAH_KIAH la!!
I got nuthin to say as i lazy to say. today is great b'cuz got 2 ps. b'cuz no phy.I went to library and join emie, nina, alim n farith. They tok alot but i dun listen bcuz i concertate on sum1 on d other table wah! SO CUTE LA!!Haiz~ i keep on lookin at him.Hmm..outside library also i look at him.Then, he notice also.AIii~~ malu ehz! whahaha. CrazY! Ermm..wat else ar? Plannin to study 2day but not jadi again. WHY? Bcuz i sleepz...till 5 pm lyt dat.THen watch TV...haha..later i gotta watch TV again. Got CSI: Las Vegas wah! The guy there so cute! Wahahaha Bah>..lazy to blog liao. ChaO!
Woke up at 7.30 tis mornin. I also very surprise by my "weirdness". Haha. I wenT to TutonG tis morning to look 4 de solution bk. It's been a while i haven been to tutong alredi, and i hate it.But now I starts to lyt it. B'cuz there been a lot of change there alredi. Many new shops,got MUM BAKERY again OH!! TeLL me how can i hate tutong when there is MUM BAKERY!!!! Wahaha But there's reaLLy manY improvemenT there! KB, u betta beware! Tutong is becomin stronger andBETTER then u!! So KB, u betta set up a mall. Haha..then i'll be very happy...if i happy thenthen..i dunno la. Wahaha :P
Something weird happen 2day, not dat weird la. While i was waiting for my mum outside d toilet,i saw a woman in blonde hair staring at me, with a veri thick make-up. The lipsticK so redagain. :S I tot she a turist from sum "putih" countries. She keep on staring at me ehz!So scary!! Then i walk walk around de toilet, she keep on lookin at me again. So weird la, wheregot woman keep on staring at a normaL girl one oh!?! Then i look at her more in depth, SIAL!SekaLI daT's a HE!!! Or sumthing in between. Kena stared by an aqua ehz! Haiz~~ I tell Zam abt dat. B4 i tell the full description of d aqua. Zam alredi noe who i am toking abt. So hebat also she. "the guy in blonde hair ryt?" she asks. "yalo yalo" i answer.Wahaha. I spend my aftanoon doin maths at zam's place. It's fun. we tok a lot and at d same time do MatHs a lot too. Then play play with her cats. So cute ehz! StiLL a kitten. Aiyo, the bulu so nice to touch man! BlaR!! Afta dat i went to mee ting hse, at there we tok tok a lot lagi. TodaY i tok so mucH la. Hahha..my mouth so tired alredi. :P
Haiz~ mid-year exam are cumin damn soon! So scary! I haven study yet and so so dun understand the topic again. AdUH, and got so many hw to do! BLAR!! I haTe daT!! U noe wat? The mp3 is so NICE!!! It's in d shape of J again! OMG!! @_@ I wanna have it! Haha
TodaY no maTHs!! GuD news!! YeaH!! n it's a bad news for those who lyt gooD news! Wahaha! It's lyt a dream cum true man! Wahaha Why noi maths? B'cuz we have to go to d ava room and listen to d principal talkin, and i cant get his point...why is he tokin all these things? Globalisation, icebergs? No sense...lyt teachin GP wah..nvm la..asalkan no maths me happy liao.U happy, i happy, avbody happY! HApPy HaPPy daY!! Jr!! So ke ai! So lyt wilbur pan! So cute d smile! LUv JR Liao!!!! at 1st i i tot i wont fall for him but then, cannot resist bah! Haiz~~ JR!! WhY u so cute one? Hehe
SiaL ehz de DST!! TheY eaT my credit ehz!! My cr drop from $15 sumthin to $0.28! Then now is $0.08!! NO!!!!! I just receive a international caLL and talk for few minutes only boh!!How Is tis possiBLe?? So i complain to DST, then wait wait wait and press press press...while trying to sambungkan my line, a song from BLUE emerged from the line. U can see3 bold lines emerged from my forehead alSo...Err... The 1st call is unsuccessfuL. Then i trythe 2nd times again...unsuccessful also. TheN i try the 3rd time, finallY, successfuL! BlaR~~The gaL ask for my phone no. and ask me to wait...lambat ehz, then she cum back again and asksumthin and ask me to wait again...lambat...2 or 3 min have pass...then she says she will kolme bacK...Lalala... SiaL ehz! Alwayz tanggungkan the prob only. INsulT me one!! HopE i canregain my cr bacK! Or else...huh! I report to the police. Whahaha.
ToDay i tried to study chem, stiLL not really understand sum part, so confusing la! YesterdaY the teacher talks abt errmm..nepthile (sumthin dat i cant really recaLLs).He teach teach teach then turn to me, so scary, wat did i do?!
TheN he says to me, "U find it difficult?? Very difficult issit?"
My hearT says, "What? Does my face shows dat i find it difficult? Im just sleePy waH."
He cont', "U regret taking chemistry issit?"
My heart says, "Ar?! How do u noe?!" My physicaLL expression says, "No ar. #_#"
He says again, " DonT worrY, U can do It!"
My heart says,"HuH? wat oh?"
Me terkejut ehz, he encourage me eHz! WaH! 1st Time! sHud go buy lottery liaO. LOL JUsT now i saw GaRy oF 8tV intro JOLin's latest album, J-game. IsH! Make my heart so itchy man!Got free 6 or 8 postcards oh!! The pIc so NIce laGI!! DaMN preTTY!!! AiYO...wanna buy oh! IwanT d posTcarDs! HmmmF~~ -_-
HeYz ppL. I chanGeD my BlogsKin agaIN! So how does it feels? FeeLs nuthin ryt? Haha Im MiSS the iceKacanG at MIRI!!!! So YUMMIE!!! It's kol sumthing likE blueberrY .... ??It's aT boulevard foodstaLL upstairs. SO NICE!! TRUST ME!!! It's worth d price! IT's so fulling,and coLourfUL. It's not likE d ordinary abc, speciaL, icekacang witH too mucH ice thats confuse r u eating only d ice or wat? SO MUST GO TRY!!! If noT u reGreT!! I so GlaD dat i didnT reGreT!!! WaHhaha.
U noe waT? I thinK im so scare of eating at d canteen liao. B'cuz it's so dirty waH!!! The flooR, the table, d chair, d heaT! It's aLL the irresponsible studenTs faUlt. Dun tryto eat nicely, must dirtied the table theN theY satisfY! So CB one! Make me so kiah kiaH! AnD then kan, i think i starts to get bored of canteen's food alredi. Bcuz avday eat d samething waH. Not nasi lemak, then is noodle. HeYz, whY i didnt eat d soto mee alredi ahz?Eversince daT "accidenT", i starts to avoid eating soto mee liao. :S HeY, U shUD be responsible for this oH!! Haha...
One moRe tHing, smss ppl at smsa starts to grow distant liao. :( It's dat so hard to stay united kah? WeLL, i understand it's bcuz of diff PS time, class and bla bla. But stiLL it'ssad that we are not dat much close as we use to be. :( SO daMn miss d time at Smss la, where av breaK time i must say 'Hi" to him..'eHem"..u all noe who kan? Hehe. And where we aLL have fun with butane. The cat who lyts to follow ppL arounD. Hehe, so cute la! And then,av tym we says 'Hi" to ecKo, he must reply witH "OuI" anD gives daT biG smiLes. WatelSe aR? There's so manY to mention la! MissiN CiKgu Jepridin , Mrs SameuL class, wHeres noBodY is listening to them. So KesiaN hor? Haha! And avtime whIle in d chem lesson, Mrs SamUeL wILL go outside anD couGhT. The side effecT oF chemisTry. LOL.
eHem eHem...i must confess dat JOLIN'S SONGS IS SO NICE!! Now i am lost among her songs! Lalalala... Hmm, JJ's new song call "suddenly tired" is also DAMN NICE!! Lazy to blog liao... Bye. (reminds me of cikgu jefriden)--> inda lurus d spelling. Haha
LonG tyM no blog, boring! Hehe...im busy to catch my sleep bah! =P Sleeping is essential todream..lalala..wat i want to say kan? Blar~~
Hmm...wat i have been doing these days? basically nuthin!! Wuhaha I suppose to go to class at d church today, but tak jadi. So bu hau yi shi ler. They keepon asking me to go but then i didnt show up, so embarassing! =( FeeL so guilty anD soRRy! I watchin a KoreaN drama now, d watak utama so CUTE!!! Haiz~~ how??!! He make fall in loveagain! WaHaHaha...dat's d side effect of watchin idol drama. =P
Today no GP!! Yes!! I used dat period to do maths and chit-chat wif aainna, lcK, lns & lsy.It's so fun! Haha..shud have more non-GP class! =P
Hmm, tis mornin kinda embarassing also. My 1st class is physic. And i thought my next classis chemistry, so afta phy class, i straight out of d class. Then i feel so strange, i saw zam,she says 'Hi' and asK, "what r u having now?" I answer, "GP" and wave byebye. Then i saw azimpass by me, goin to Business class. I starts to feel strange liao, how cum i am seeing azimhere? Am i having CHem?? Then i check my timetable again... SiaL...reaLLy i am having chemnow!! Then i hafta walk back to my class again! And i saw M lookin at me, sort of laughting atat me i think. I look at him happily also la. *blusH* Wuhahaha..perasan la me. Then i saw zam again. Then we laught also. Haha.
So dat's all i guess. Not interesting story pun. HummF.I Miss SMss liaO..esp when i flip bacK d pics, so cooL, so cute (butane n NJ)