GosH, it's been a long while since my last update. Did anyone miss me? Hehe
Anywayz, what drive me to update again is THIS WONDERFUL BLOGSKIN!! OmG!! Damn pretty and perfectly suits my taste. These days im so fond of chineseelegant styles esp with d plum flowers. Thankz to jaY and leehom, they ared one who makes me realise the beauty of OUR chinese arts!!
And again, by the influences of JaY, i started to like antique stuff too. And now i finally understands why some ppl r so fond of antiques. Also, the mid-century arts! Esp the church or gospel paintings..OmiGosH! THe arts areso fineand lively...if u observe deeply enuf, the shading and colours...are So PRETTY!! GosH, wish i could have these paintings in my room. HeY u noe what? Im now alredi an elect! YeaH! and going to baptise this easter!YaY!! Too bad my "ex"-godmother cant be with me. :( But hey, maybe she'sbetter alredi during easter? Hehe.. :) MaY God bless her! Amen!
Well, some ppl may not realise how "xin fu" they are and alwayz take things for granted. HeY if u r one of those who alwayz look life in an awful way,dont let down! Dont see the things u have lost, see the things u have! Andbe grateful! We shud alwayz feel grateful u noe, then our lifes will be easier and happier! Ryt? Dont wait till the moment u lose something baru u starts cursing ur fate and watsoeva. Be wise!! -End of my preaching- Hehe ;P