Thursday, March 03, 2005


YES!! I GOT Da LettER aLredI! Suspend eh, i tot da letter shud be deliver to our home. SeKali have personally take it from the skool. And wat i hate is dat, when we cum to take kan, they were eating eh! Eating chicken! I really hate ppl eat during work time!Like so unpro !! And at da morning time again! Insult me ehz! Dat time me very hungryone ehz! Dat cb mrs.K saw us thru da reflection on the mirror, she was eating too. Shesaid to the secretary, "Why today so many come ehz? bla bla bla" with a heavy sarcasm inher tone! Ish, shud dat kind of tone come from a principal? Sounds like so "sang ku 6 po".As if last year she didnt insult us enuf! BleH! But still, me So EXCITED and a lil' bitKiah Kiah also. Bcuz yen chee says will kena bully by the seniors, even my moms says like dat also. Oh well, maybe it's not as bad as i tot kuah? BLaR~~ cANT WAIT LA! It's on nextMONDAY! Dunno if there many new ppl o not lehz?! Hehe...and dunno how the food there? Anddunno got cats there or not. Meow~
Hmm..i saw sydney tis afternoon. He really resemble melburn ehz! Juz dat his color seemsmore lighter, it's tail is much longer than melburn and they are of diff sex. Maybe theyare bro & sis? Juz now i saw a new cat in my hse, it's a boy i think from it's body and tail ( most cats with long tails are males). It's skins is abt the same with meow meow eh but his is more ugly and it is so fat! Got a big butt too! Stupid cats! Haha! Hmmm...dunno wat shud i name him hor? Thailand or...?? Ah!! I got it, i name it "Febra"! Dun u think it's suitable for a fat cat? Haha!
Ish, now the e-news is so boring ehz, with so much interviews but so less news! My Jay newsmany didnt report ahz! Wat da heck! Now can onli got his lat news from reading onli! And wat so flammable is dat stupid cb Li AO! How dare he insult Jay like dat ehz! He saysPatty wif Jay is like " a rose place on bullshit" !! And says Jay got no talent and looksso lui, is totally a unmatch for patty! I was like so angry! Chibai Li Ao! He got wat rightsto judge my ah Jay like dat! And insult my ah Jay w/o really know wat the real JAY is! FARKING OLD MAN! with mouth full of rubbish onli!!! Why dun he looks at his own self firstb4 judge my ah Jay? He sendiri is TONNES lot WORSE THAN AH JAY! Onli know how to tok rubbish!FARKING OLD MAN! CB!

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