AisH!! WatCHed InitaL D liaO!! COOOOOOOOLL!! WhahahaMy jay so leng zhai there la..also edison n shawn too!! DiaO..wanna watcH so crazy liao bcuz of this..buzy sms and callin ppl afta watchin. Sot-sot liao me...wahaha...
The movie is veri funny also la...esp chapman to!! Damn funny!!
I'm consider lucky today, a cute guy sits beside me...can't really sees his face but he'scute la. while another fat guy who sits beside me likes to looks at my side while there's a funny screen. what's dat suppose to mean huh? Insultin me issit?? Hahaha..i saw manyleng zhai 2day also, cant help staring at them. Then they stares back at me weirdly also.Apart from dat, i also stares at girls, they terkejut i look at them ehz! SiaL, what's datsuppose to mean again? They look familiar wah, so i see see lo. BlaR~~
And then hor, my bro comin back 2day. Me so scare la, bcuz i mess up his room. I place my files and all those rubbish scattered on his bed and desks. Damn clumpsy. I tot he gonna marahme..but then, he no marah wor! WhoOOsH!! PHeeWW!!! addicted to the YaHoo! PooL game liao...if only i got espeed! BlaR~~
I wanNa watCH InitiaL D!!!!!!!!HopefuLLy can watch it aT d maLL at 23rd JunE!!! whicH is tis thursdaY!!! diao la...bla bla bla
U noe what? Sumthing happen wa yesterday....
i met a kitten, i think it's female. 1st i called her "chu chu"...not dat nice.And today i decide to change it's name to .... ermm.. i forgot the name liao. @_@ Wanted to call it "stewpid" bcuz she not dat cute and so garang at av1. She ask 4 food from me lyt dat oh...haiz~~ Knot lyt dat la, must act cute wah at this tender age. :PI think it's about half month old with it's tail not in a normal shape, it's crooked.The colour? Orange-yellow stripes just like melburn. Not my fave colour. I prefer kiah-kiah'scolour's white with light-yellow shade at it's ears, stripe at forehead and taiL.SO CUTE!!! MuaHHahahah...and not forgetting meow-meow...she's quite pretty eventho it's fur is not good in quality but she owns a great personality. =)
Shud i talk abt butane here also? Hehehe..i just says a lil' bit la. Butane is a damn cute cat w/ a wonderful personality too, lyt to follows ppl around for no reason...guess it's bcuz she dun wan to see mrs.K waH..hehehe...
For these whole dayz, something really troubles me....AyaMKu n KFC n joLibee also!! MeoW~~~
All day long i cant help myself thinking of d crispy fried chicKen!! IrresiStaBLE!! Oh yeaH, tis holiday can be verY boring as usuaL. And there's still tons of hw to finish...but heY!! Can't u t'cher let's us relax?! Give so mucH hW 4 wat? Tryin to insult us issit??!!EsP maThs!!! GeraMku!! BUaHhaha, getting so emotionaL herEz.
Erm...wat i want to says again...think think think....4get alredi. Dun wanna blog liao...ciaO!!
[Note: InitiaL D goin to hits the cinemas at 23rd JuNe!!]
Why??!! Im stILL so DaMn boundstaked by the "incident"!! Im SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO HAPPY!!!!! YUP!! HaPPY!!
Long time i didnt have this kind of "HaPpiness" alredI...this is so unbelievable, so extreme!! How??!! I think i going crazy liao!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
"Ni de ai fang zhing shan sui shi tou neng shu fa tao yuang fanG aH~~Hui tao wang de lie zhuang yu qui liang de hua kuang..."
"hua ZhuaNg" by zhe kang zhuinThis song is so damN niCE!!!!
WaH~ I juz finish my exam 2daY!! FeeL lyt nuthin also pun. I have physic 2day.Haiz~~ so so so dunno how to do! Sure plaNK d ppr! This is the result of not studyin!But eventhough i got study, sure also fail 1 la, physic is sumthing dat knot pass easily!Last year i study so so so damn hard 4 physic but i only land on a C6!! C6 ehz! How can thisbe?! I study so hard :( !! Nvm la, getting a cr is enuf alredi la!
TodaY have been greaT! Have so much fun while "preparing" for phy exam. We suppose to be studying but then end up chit chat n luaghting :) And not 4getting listenin to songs..Lalala And what d greatest thing happen 2day??!!! HIM!!! :) :) :)
U wont believe it..HE siT beside me ehz!!!! But we got no interaction la, me too malu waH!And i have to suppress my emotion while he's there! Wahahaha!! Me and amal were sittingat d 1st row of PS area,studyinG while imas,najib,yati and yen chee were eating at d canteen.TheN it's end of 2nd period for U2, then he come out! Oh yeaH baby! PhewweT!! He's carryinga file n a booK then he just sit beside me! Putting his file n book down on d table, and tooKout a mirror, adjusting his songkok. ", Three lines emerges on my foreheaD. Afta dat,he went away me a fly kiss...ermm..d fly kiss part is fake one la..LOL! N i tell juL abt it, she also very excited man! This is what frens for!! oh yeaH!! *Dont Go BreaKing my HeaRt~~~Lalala
Afta exam, i went to Smss wiF manDy to take my certificate. while i was there, i saw alexstandin at d front entrance. He asks what am i doing here, then i says my purpose. Thenhe asks d dumbest question of all, no offence la alex,hehe. He asks,"Certificate? Take 4 wat?What's d use?" three lines emerge on my forehead again. I dunno how to answer him. Well, didnt see much frens there, juz saw shu ye there. Wow, she changed a lot liao! Morepretty liao! Wanna see my didi, but didn see. so saD :(
Then afta dat, went to eat lunch wit mandy lo. The service is quite slow and i ordered a fried rice but it turns up to be mee goreng. Arr?? Then ask d person to switch, have to waitagain. Ok then, my fried rice cum liao, waH!! The fried rice look so ermm...unappetising.Oh weLL, i just eat la, but couldnt finish it.
Hmm... I waNNa watch magascadar at cinema!!!! Sum1 plz kindly bring me there! Haha..I WANNA WATCH IT!! Wanna see the "U gotta move it move it..." So funny eh!!