Thursday, June 16, 2005


WosH!!! Long tym no blog. Long tym no see. BlaR``

For these whole dayz, something really troubles me....AyaMKu n KFC n joLibee also!! MeoW~~~

All day long i cant help myself thinking of d crispy fried chicKen!! IrresiStaBLE!!
Oh yeaH, tis holiday can be verY boring as usuaL. And there's still tons of hw to finish...but heY!! Can't u t'cher let's us relax?! Give so mucH hW 4 wat? Tryin to insult us issit??!!EsP maThs!!! GeraMku!! BUaHhaha, getting so emotionaL herEz.

Erm...wat i want to says again...think think think....4get alredi.
Dun wanna blog liao...ciaO!!

[Note: InitiaL D goin to hits the cinemas at 23rd JuNe!!]

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