Very bad mooD bcuz d stupid fucking ppl dunno how to respect my privacy! Keep on gettingin and out of my room like nothing. FUcK. And another reason is bcuz my sis is not back this weekend. :( I miss her la! Got sumthing to tell her leh! Why she alwayz lyt this kan? Sheseems to be busy for these months. Hate this. W/o her company me watching tv shows IS BORING!!! Haiz~ w/o my sis during the weekend, i andang bad mood one. BlaR~~
JUst know that the rimula basketball match are going to be held on 20th Aug!! YES!! Love it.They know how to think hor? Hehe. Hopefully this year got chance to watch it eventho my"brunei liang chai-est" guy is not playing liao. LOL. Haiz~ i guess i never have the chanceto watch him play basketball liao lo. Haiz~~ ShanG Xing le!
Yesterday i saw something on the news dat make my daY. GoH KIat cHun, brunei national teamplayer is on the NEWS!!! HE's IN taiwaN now filming an idol drama!!! And yet, he's the maincharacter lagi ehz!! SO happy seeing a BRUNEIAN lyt this la!! So happy dat im now dancingthe move in initiaL D. Hehehe. Oh yeaH, the drama title is , "Eastern Juliet" / Tung fangJuliet.
Found a very meaningful poem on somebody's blog and i just posting here. It's reallY nice!! EnjOY :)
One One song can spark a moment, One flower can wake the dream .One tree can start a forest, One bird can herald spring. One smile begins a friendship, One handclasp lifts a soul. One star can guide a ship at sea, One word can frame the goal. One vote can change a nation, One sunbeam lights a room. One candle wipes out darkness, One laugh will conquer gloom. One step must start each journey, One word must start each prayer. One hope will raise our spirits, One touch can show you care. One voice can speak with wisdom. One heart can know what's true. One life can make the difference, you see it's up to You!
TodaY SUCKS... i have tried my best to ignore the awful truth but it's hard. I am seriously hurt by a long tym "fren" at d morning and during the recess tym. If it's by a "not so close-fren", i treat it as nothin. But by sumbody who u have known for years? FOR MORE THAN 4 years?It's HURTS!!!! I thought of just leave the area lyt dat but i stay though. Stewpid me, maybe i really shud leave the area. U have been ignored, why bother stay kan? The worst and most hurtful part is during the recess. SmaLL things it may seems to be but it tells a lot. Being laughted aloudby so-called-fren of urs w/ telling u what's going on and a just laughted away lyt dat eventhough u have asked "WHY?"....IT's FUCKING HURTS!! Im cant afford to angry at this b'cuz u r just waytoo disappointed, helpless and overwhelm by sadness. I almost cry at GP class, but i hold on.But during maths class, tears come out when i told s abt this. THis matter may look childish but still, looking at the fact dat for all these years, u are only the "hehe-haha fren"'s hurts. This may sound ridiculous but the whole day i think abt this, I cant help myself but cry for more than 5 times. I know. I'm making myself look so stupid kan??
I remember Helen told me dat having one true friend in ur life is enought alredi. Now i find this so meaningful. But sad that there no even one "fren" in my life is TRUE. To those of u out there, PLEASE BELIEVE THAT HAVING ONE TRUE FREN IS REALLY ENOUGHT!!! IF u alredi have one,PLEASE DO APPRECIATE IT!!! Some people cant even find one!! THat's why i so damn envy my brother.He have more than 1 true friends. They stick 2gether from secondary untill now, mind u that they all have been working alredi and one even married. BUt stiLL, they go out often andin times of trouble, they face it together. Not like some ppl when u tells them ur probs, they laught at it and treat it as a joke. Fucking ppl. Better fuck off my way!!
This happens many times alredi, and it's fucking hurts. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!! FUCKING LIFE!!! NO ONE GIVE A DAMN ABT THIS!!!
Wanna know what keeps me so long to update my blog?The answer is...LaZY baH!! Hehe Oh weLL, todaY is parent's daY. I hate this, so crowded and the teacher remarks are erm...BORING aND it's leaves room for my mother's nagging. DuH...borinG and i have to undergoan uproar of kaypohing while on d way home. But there's an interesting story they have boughtup, it's abt Q, who is prefer as a genius. They says it's all abt hardwork.(which seldom appysto me) How he get all distinctions on his work? the answer is jaw-dropping and i could onlyutter one word, "CRAZY!!"
He study REAL HARD...i meaN REALLY HARD!! HE dont watch TV, play computers. He starts perparingfor his exams b4 two or three months. He sleeps for only 2hrs a daY!! Wat de?! How could he still looks so good with only 2hrs oF SLEEP. WOW. AMAZING. bcuz i only study 2hrs a day insteadof have a 2hrs sleep. The whole evening my mom used his story to nag me. "why ppl can do it,u cant? It's abt hardworK!!". SiaL la, i fight back, "Compare compare for wat? Study so hardfor wat?" Then my mom eyes widened and repeat," STUDY SO HARD SO WHAT? WHAT U MEAN AHZ?"
OKiez, let's 4get abt the cb parent meeting.
TodaY, me quite heartbroken ehz! Lazy to tell d whole process here so i juz jot down d mainpart. I was abt to leave the libary, i meet J. Then as usual i look at him, with my lagging braintrying to focus and figure out who dat infront of me. He was smiling at sum1 bhind my back i guess but when his eyes meet mine. His face quickly turns busuK. WHAT DE? WHAT"S DAT SUPPOSETO MEAN??!!! AiYa, SHANG ZHING LA!!!! Bcuz of this i cant pay attention on phy class. So i start sms with ppl. la, the class is boring so cant pay attention. BlaR~~ OKiez, the case above is the result of not hanging tigthly to my this year's resolution.>>> DONT FALL FOR ANYONE!! <<<<<>? DuH...*drools eyes* Aniway, my chuchu grow up liao la. so cute la she.