Friday, August 05, 2005


YeaH!! me quite happy today..bcuz i sleep until 10.30am and the weather is so cooL...:)

Went to shopping juz now and bought lots of FOODS!!! WeE!!

And b4 dat me n my mother n auntie went to a private saloon bcuz auntie wanted to cut her hair. And then i saw a VERY CUTE CAT!! This kind of cat is american's breed and it's rare in brunei.Quite expensive also ler, the owner bought it at B$100 in d pet shop. 0_o BUt it's
CUTE!! Black and white and VERY FURRY>-< But still...meow meow n kiah kiah are d most cutest cat in the world. Hehe :)

Saw leng zhai juz now..not dat impressive pun. Hehe. Then at supasave i saw jul's fave t'cher..
MR BATLEY!! WaH, everytime i went out i see him one oh. Ada jodoh i guess. Haha. JUl shud be jeles. Haha. I also saw perry juz now, sial ehz this guy, smile at him dun smile back pun!
BLar~ nvm dat close wif him also. My brother yg close wif him. Blar~~

One thing make me sad cb mobile!!! Dunno why sudden it reformat itself!! And then all my midis and ringtone all lost!!! MY JAY CHOW!! MY ZHANG TUNG LIANG!! MY JONES!! aLL gone lyt this ehz... SO SHANG XING LEHZ!! Wanna cry ehz..sob sob..

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