Thursday, April 28, 2005


Got bacK my pHysic ppr 2daY, so glad that i got 9!!! Weee!! Eventhought it's a fail but
still im glad abt it. =) Others got ard 10 to 16 lyt dat. And of cuz 7 to 10 also.

2day d english debate is quite ermm..hard 2 describe but there's one part dat is SO SO SO
FUNNY!!! D boy from d oppeser team is doing the summary thing. He feels kinda shaky, i think
he alwayz do, bcuz he so thin! Haha..he talks softly and slow. Then he says, "soooooo looong".
Then d whole class laught. TheodaraH and Mira caNt stop laughting too. Veri cute waH!!
Haiz~~ SO CUTE LA!! hahaha

Aiyo, my debate on Sat oh! My point are lyt dun fit 2 de topic ehz! HOw? Sure die! Even
hong kit says, "Nvm la, antam saja, just let it lose." Aiyoyo..just let it lose??!! At least
let it lose with pride bah! Hehe..wat oh? maybe i shud ask emie sum point abt this. We are
doing d same topic, and she WON!! WaseH! Public scHooL woN?! I wonder is it d points are too
good or it's bcuz emie is a good speaker. Hmm..i think both la! Hehe :)

Low cr oh! My cr will expire on sat ehz! Blar~~i think im gonna recharge after few days or
so ler. So i planning to dl wallppr or polytonic lo. Dun just let it waste lyt dat. Hehe
After several tym of unsucessful dls, i stiLL canT learN my lesson!

Listenin to JJ's songs, so NICE!! Listenin to it at 1st, i didnt feels anything, but afta
the 2nd tym, NICE NICE NICE NICE!! But stILL, JaY Chow is de BEST!! Oh YeaH!! Wahahaha! :D

U noe what?? Im so frus dat i keep on failin drawing what i want! After i draw, the eyes
spoiltling waH!! And it suppose to look at de side but afta i draw, it look at the front!
WHY?? WHAT HAPPEN 2 my hanD alredI?? MaYBe i sHud learN more physic in order to geT the
accurate ermm..position?? Haha..imagine it! Drawing by applying gravity and speed AnD
RANDOM ERRORS!! sot sot alredi liao. Everytime taLks abT physIc.

But then ar, i dun understaND wHY i keeP on yaWnin during d physic class!! Every single
physic class, i never miss a beat of YAWNING!! No matter how semangat i am, i still yawn.
REfLex reacTion??!! WuHahaHa.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

HeY Ya ya

2daY kiNda sUcKz at 1st. WHY? Bcuz of MATHS!! D t'cher insult me again! SiaL!! I noe im weak in maths but no need lyt this bah! If i study, huh! then u noe my maths is ermm..okla!Hehe..but still...eEEYER!! HatE tiS PPL! SpoILt my mOOd onLi! I need my jaY comForT nOw! WuHuuu..(crying on jay's chest) Hahaa..GuD imaGinatiON! LOL

U noe wat? I change my monitor liaO!! Dat old monitor so sesak, knot tahan liao. Av tym while i online then d screen goes blacK...eHz, my netkard stiLL running eh! KnoT lyt daT!!So i change to phILips monitor. Quite comfortable wif it, d screen big big 1. Make me so pro lyt dat. Hahaha.
Haiz..HW agaiN...SuCK ehz, i dun wana do la. Wanna sLeePz betta! Haven finish my debate thing again oh! My team-mates also ler..more susah! Haha.

I saw sum1 who look lyt wilber at skOOL ehZ! I canT heLp lookiN at hiM. Then he LuK at meaLSo. Sure he feeLs scary 1. Haha. But theN he a malaY, if he didnt wear songko i wouldntknow dat! CooL!! My fren says he got twins lagi. WaH! Dat's meaNs goT 2 wiLber la? Hahaha!But it's not d originaL wiLber puN. So duN care la! Haha. Me feeLs so stress ah 2daY. Dunno Y. I haTe d stress given by d teachers. BLAR~~

My GP t'cher says i pass my test oh! YeaH!! So haPPy! Bcuz it's d only subject i pass!Wee..the other subject i fLunKed badLy! Bcuz me no stUdY waH!! AnD d teachers esp d mathst'cheR...HaIz!!!!

Lalalala...debaTe DEBATE DEBATE!! thE opposite grouP inclUdes 2 neRDs ehz! So scary!! Suredie la! I dun lyt tis! WHY WHY WHY??? "oH baBY y wUD u HuRts me so LonG~~." starting to sing "HurT" by NichOlas TeO.

These days meet so many weIrDo...anD so scary lyt dat. Bcuz thy lyt so desperate 2 finDsumthin lyt dat. WEIRD!! If u noe what im toking abt. DunnO la...mY darLin ah-JaY wiLLprotects me from these weIrdo forces,RYT aH JAY?? ( JaY noDs wiTh a sMiLe..and the dreamgoes on and on and on...) ThIs is AnnA's faNtasY. I eveN bring my fantasy to class...whiLe the lessons starts...I starts 2 thiNk abT jAY!! LOL..not dat serious la! Kekekeke...

Oh maN...i hate chEMISTRY!! So BluR waT is daT!! HaiZ! Prefer PhySic more, bCuz got noatoms and molecules stuff. Force is more interestin! But wiLL start so hate it when thetest cOmes... u=0 , v=0, g=9.18, T-mg=ma...wat de hecKs. NewTon's LaWz. NexT tyM i inverTAnna & JaY's LaW...whicH wILL goes lyt tis..

Anna&JaY's 1st LaW states dat eatin icekacang in front of anna wiLL experience a unexpicableforces from nowhere.

Anna&JaY's 2rD Law states dat anyone exerts a force on anna will experience a far more greaterforce on d head.

Anna&JaY's 3rd Law states dat anyone wiF charmin n cuTe personality wiLL be remember alwayz.LOL

Remember the laws oH!! If not u cant pass physic! Haha..JK!! ;P

Monday, April 25, 2005

I LoVe tis pIc so MUCH!! SO daMn cute la! Posted by Hello

My daRLin..aH JaY Posted by Hello


Had My PhYsIc tesT 2daY. Qn no.1 is so "HUH??!!" i dont even understand what it wants andwat the mean of "consisent" or sumthin lyt dat. I know the mean of consist but when used in brain stuck alredi. RefLex reAcTiON! Haha! :P Dunno la, gonna fail physic liao.Me fail av thing la. Hahaha. If want to fail, juz fail avthing la! Haha..JK onLI la!! I want 2 pass my GP eh. The only hope left.

Aiyayaya..dunno how 2 do my debate stuff ahz! Me veri sucks in this ler...and then im have2 support public skool ahz!'s hard 2 find good points on it ler. Bcuz sure d private skool got a more stronger point 2 fight 4 it! But i love private skool oh! Kinda"shing tung" to "chang" it la. Haha..but i have to be pro abt it ler! SO 1st thing i do is,LISTEN 2 MY DaRLING's SONGS anD sTaRe at hiS cOOL cOOL picz! Wahaha! :P

Hmm..when i wear dat caP kan, i really look lyt ppl wIF cancer ehz! Haha, now i realise it.Bcuz manDY laughT abt it waH. InsulTin 1 tis freN. Hehe. And thEN wheN i waLk arD d towN,so maNY ppL looK at me ehz! So maLU ehz! Sure theY r woNderIn if i reaLLy got canCer o not.Haha.. then i caN tipU 'em 2 maKe donation 2 me. Plz koL my HotLIne, caLLs are charged at $5.00 per min. Me KaYa liao lo lyt daT! LOL

The pImPle at mY chIn reaLLy paINfUL!! so BiG ar! wHY d pimples alwayz grow on strange strange place ar? Nvm la, juz dont grow on sumwhere obvious on my face anD thERE! Hehe :P

HaRoLd visiTed mY houSe tis mornin, ard 7.15 am?? I was at d skOOL daT tyM. He haNded me sumThin dat IS NOT 4 ME! Hehe, he ask me to hand it to d frens at skOoL. And waT is dat?His latest cD. i toT he hands sum vcd or dvds for me. I was kinda HaPPy at 1st but take a more deeper peeK, cHew! Hehe :P

Lalalala...i neeD moTivaTION 2 stuDy Hard! Me so reckless. Dunno whY. B'cuz JaY chOw didnt msg me, dat why! Haha, JK onLi.

HeY 2daY i saW BOBBY!! d dog i haven seen for a whILe. It take a little while 4 him 2 regonise me bcuz i was wearin d fisHin haT waH. Then he sUddeNLy ruNs 2towrds me and greetme witH trIuMPs. CuTe la. I keeP on jumpin on me. Then he follows me on d way 2 plaza. NotreaLLy aLL d way la, halF d way onLI. Bcuz he wanTed 2 pee on d fresh grass waH. DOGS. Hehe... CUTE!!! I misS him LiaO!! AnD i misS my daRLIn also! Lalala..

Saturday, April 23, 2005

BaD MooD !

"Had a bad day, dun take to me...U cant save U cant change me while i waiting for my.."-Save me by Unwritten. Someone totally spoilt my day 2day! And i dun wanna tok to her animore! So FUCKIN!! I hateHATE HATE surrounded by smart ppl! So INSULTING!! I flunk my maths badly. It's nuthin 4 me la,b'cuz biasa alredi and i didnt study mah, so i didnt expect myself to pass also. BUT I hatethose ppl attitude! NO NEED 2 TREAT ME A NON-A-matHs student lyt this mah! 2day the test pprsis given back. I dunno how to do dat question, so i borrow d ppr from d CB ppl beside me. So i copy lo, then she see me copy she bu shuang liao oh. SHe grab back her ppr FROM MY HAND and says coldy, "If u copy how u learn? Do urself la!"


I learn from COPYING!! Cannot meh? When i finish copy, i will observe d working one ah!Lyt tis also knot ahz?? I HATE U!! I HATE U!!! Totally ruins my day alredi. FUCKING PPL!
Today i receive d call abt d dl thingy, they says i have to go 2 their company which is atKiulap on WED in order to regain my cr bacK. DAH!! How i go oh? Haiz~~ But i "bu kang shing"to waste my cr lyt dat la! $6 oh. Really sayang if dun fight 4 it. Haha..must fight till d end!! YES!! WAhaha...apakan? Sot sot again.

I LOVES JAY! I LOVES JAY! Wanna print my jay pic and put to my file la. But me no colour printer oH!! Haiz~ mafan eh!! BlAR!!
So angry la me 2day. Juz b'cuz of those cb ppl. NO RESPECT ONE! ONLY KNOW HOW 2 insuLT!


Thursday, April 21, 2005


Long tym no blog! Dunno wat 2 say ler. hoilday, 2 fays onli lar..2 short..haha..but at least no skooL!! DAMN SYOK!! WOHOOOO!! I made myself a cap last nite. Butit doesnt really cum out as d cap i wanted dat cool. It looks so ermm...poor..haha! I'm expect a hat lyt jay wah! :P

HeY i chat wif LILa tis afternoon! WaseH! Miss him la! But he dun miss me. Haha...can see la.
We chat a little stuff onli. Then he offline liao. Insult me one tis guy.Hehe

My cr low ar! Dat stupid themes punya pasal! Wanna dl but then tak jadi! Thy deduct my $6 again! So i go complaint to them. Then they says sumthing and will call me back. DUN HAVE PUN!! My CR ah! My JaY CHOW AR!!

My darlin got new movies boh! INITIAL D!! YES!!! I want 2 see! I feel lyt joinin d 8tv racing gal contest ehz! HAha..bcuz wanna see jay chow bah! LOL

Saturday, April 09, 2005


LaLala...haiyayaya..wat a day! Not really la. I ate 4 ice-cream 2day and 2 ayamku. Yup Yup!And 4 stick of satay. The satay not dat nice ler...bcuz it's made by unpro sis ask me if i wanna take AS, then ask if i can try write a letter and plead'em for me to take. Lalala...when i want to take, i cant take. When i dun want alredi,all kinds of help are thrown at me. I kinda appreciate it somewhat, but i dun wan to think abt dat again. What hot on da news now is the funeral of Pope Joun PauL 2 and the royalwedding of charles and camelia. I somewhat kinda dislike 'em, like they didnt manage theirrelationship well, and end up Diana yang susahkan. And camelia look so old, like 'siao sa po'lyt dat. So harsh also my critism, i know, PMS are waiting 4 me wah, can't control it. Haha.Me also getting "siao" these days, thankZ to MatHs and lacK oF slEEPzzzz. I think me and maths doesnt feel so connected liao..HOW?? Blar~~ nvm la, juz think of being a graphic design, juzto make me feel like holding it to the day i finish my A level. ReaLLy feels like asking help form Mr.MohAn...he's good at explaing in da class. And write a very understandable working.I like dat. By explainin thru mouth is useless 4 me, as i cant concentrate on listenin. =P

Lalala...Aziz not teachin us animore. And our physic is still left very far behind, for those who take AS, kesian lo! Michelle is taking over aniwayz, it's kinda okay for me, somewhat i think dat she veri kesian to take our class, bcuz we like so silent wah and so unresponsivealso. But her teaching ok la. But i still miss aziz though. =P two unknown ppl misskol me boh? WHo ahz?? Strange, y miskol me? Then dun tell mewho r 'em, insult me one hah??? Hahaha...veri curious wah, bcuz i wanna know if it's him dat miskolme (ehem) Lalalala

Saturday, April 02, 2005

BaD daY

TodaY quiTE BadLucK anD gUD LucK alSO!! WHY? Okiez, let's starts on the bad news 1st, 1stof all, while i was enjoyin my soto mee (yupz yuPz).. due To the UnBalanCed anD sTrongForce on the piles oF FiLes In fornt of me suDDeNLY aLL smacH DowN to MY PRECIOUS SOTO MEEanD it aLL spILLs aLL oVer my BoDY!! NO!! I HavenT FinisH my SOTO MEE YET!! And Y there'sa sudden force come over me?? The main cause is AZIM!!! NexT time have to be carefuL eatingsoto mee in front of him liao =P. He kept on saying "SORRY". WeLL, u know, i know , BLUEknow that SORRY SEEMS TO BE THE HARDEST WORD. Oh wELL, i forgive him la! But he's still feelssorry though. Nvm's over alredI. AnD i LeARN mY LesSon...U have to PAY FOR UR FREE-LUncH!
WondERin y i says lyt dat? Bcuz i forgot to pay for da soto mee!! =P YEAHH!!! But then, ismeLL like SOTO MEE da whoLe DAY! Makes me malu to go near him ehz! =( . Hmmm..make nodifference also la, he always so far away from me! BlaR!!

Hmm..on the good news, today is SAT!! and when today finally arrive, it turns to bad newsagain. MY SIS AND BRO ARE NOT COMIN BACK TODAY!!!!! CB aHZ!! INsulT me ONe! CIs!! We putusrelationship la! I change my surname to CHOW noW! And im going marry to my dear ah-Jay!!So plz kOL me MRs.CHoW fRoM nOW on!! MRS.CHOW...MRS.CHOW...MRS.CHOW...MRS.CHOW...MRS.CHOW!!

AnD heRe's a gooD news for thOse wHo lyT BaD nEWs (in summary, it's a bad news for thosewho loves gooD news) I HaVE a NigHTMaRE tIs afTanoon! This DreaM is ReaLLY scarY ehz!!I dream oF HeR anD hER anD I weRe fightin oveR Da gUY! Im so SaD la..tis LOOKS So ReaL!!AnD i reaLLY lyT da guY anD i tuRns Up losiN to 'em! NO!! NO!! NO!! Y is Tis haPPenin to me?Y im the one tO LOSE HIM?? Tis haPPeNS so ManY timEs liao! Plz dun let tis dream turN intOREaL! IF NOT..I go MaRRY to JaY CHOW!!

Now im waiTin FOR tOMoLO agaIN!! Lalala..paTricK let's go couNT saND!! SpongebOB, u can joinus too! AnD theN we go eaT kruBBY PaTTY aT krusTy CraB! YeaH!!

BaD daY

TodaY quiTE BadLucK anD gUD LucK alSO!! WHY? Okiez, let's starts on the bad news 1st, 1stof all, while i was enjoyin my soto mee (yupz yuPz).. due To the UnBalanCed anD sTrongForce on the piles oF FiLes In fornt of me suDDeNLY aLL smacH DowN to MY PRECIOUS SOTO MEEanD it aLL spILLs aLL oVer my BoDY!! NO!! I HavenT FinisH my SOTO MEE YET!! And Y there'sa sudden force come over me?? The main cause is AZIM!!! NexT time have to be carefuL eatingsoto mee in front of him liao =P. He kept on saying "SORRY". WeLL, u know, i know , BLUEknow that SORRY SEEMS TO BE THE HARDEST WORD. Oh wELL, i forgive him la! But he's still feelssorry though. Nvm's over alredI. AnD i LeARN mY LesSon...U have to PAY FOR UR FREE-LUncH!
WondERin y i says lyt dat? Bcuz i forgot to pay for da soto mee!! =P YEAHH!!! But then, ismeLL like SOTO MEE da whoLe DAY! Makes me malu to go near him ehz! =( . Hmmm..make nodifference also la, he always so far away from me! BlaR!!
Hmm..on the good news, today is SAT!! and when today finally arrive, it turns to bad newsagain. MY SIS AND BRO ARE NOT COMIN BACK TODAY!!!!! CB aHZ!! INsulT me ONe! CIs!! We putusrelationship la! I change my surname to CHOW noW! And im going marry to my dear ah-Jay!!So plz kOL me MRs.CHoW fRoM nOW on!! MRS.CHOW...MRS.CHOW...MRS.CHOW...MRS.CHOW...MRS.CHOW!!
AnD heRe's a gooD news for thOse wHo lyT BaD nEWs (in summary, it's a bad news for thosewho loves gooD news) I HaVE a NigHTMaRE tIs afTanoon! This DreaM is ReaLLY scarY ehz!!I dream oF HeR anD hER anD I weRe fightin oveR Da gUY! Im so SaD la..tis LOOKS So ReaL!!AnD i reaLLY lyT da guY anD i tuRns Up losiN to 'em! NO!! NO!! NO!! Y is Tis haPPenin to me?Y im the one tO LOSE HIM?? Tis haPPeNS so ManY timEs liao! Plz dun let tis dream turN intOREaL! IF NOT..I go MaRRY to JaY CHOW!!
Now im waiTin FOR tOMoLO agaIN!! Lalala..paTricK let's go couNT saND!! SpongebOB, u can joinus too! AnD theN we go eaT kruBBY PaTTY aT krusTy CraB! YeaH!!

Friday, April 01, 2005


Lalala..TOMOLO SAT!!! StILL waiTin ler!! HopEFULLY Can cum True ler!! If not, me sad la!!Haiz~ tomolo got skool again hw lagi and TESTS!!! NO!! I HATE TEST! And then chemtest punya mark will be graded woR!! KiaH KiaH la! My chem veri teruk ehz! Hey, how u find my newblog skin huh? I like da background music, reminds me of MVP Valentine! My IcemaN! Whaha!!Long time no see him liao! aprol fool boh! Sayang today no skool, if not can kacau ppl! Heheh!