Monday, April 25, 2005


Had My PhYsIc tesT 2daY. Qn no.1 is so "HUH??!!" i dont even understand what it wants andwat the mean of "consisent" or sumthin lyt dat. I know the mean of consist but when used in brain stuck alredi. RefLex reAcTiON! Haha! :P Dunno la, gonna fail physic liao.Me fail av thing la. Hahaha. If want to fail, juz fail avthing la! Haha..JK onLI la!! I want 2 pass my GP eh. The only hope left.

Aiyayaya..dunno how 2 do my debate stuff ahz! Me veri sucks in this ler...and then im have2 support public skool ahz!'s hard 2 find good points on it ler. Bcuz sure d private skool got a more stronger point 2 fight 4 it! But i love private skool oh! Kinda"shing tung" to "chang" it la. Haha..but i have to be pro abt it ler! SO 1st thing i do is,LISTEN 2 MY DaRLING's SONGS anD sTaRe at hiS cOOL cOOL picz! Wahaha! :P

Hmm..when i wear dat caP kan, i really look lyt ppl wIF cancer ehz! Haha, now i realise it.Bcuz manDY laughT abt it waH. InsulTin 1 tis freN. Hehe. And thEN wheN i waLk arD d towN,so maNY ppL looK at me ehz! So maLU ehz! Sure theY r woNderIn if i reaLLy got canCer o not.Haha.. then i caN tipU 'em 2 maKe donation 2 me. Plz koL my HotLIne, caLLs are charged at $5.00 per min. Me KaYa liao lo lyt daT! LOL

The pImPle at mY chIn reaLLy paINfUL!! so BiG ar! wHY d pimples alwayz grow on strange strange place ar? Nvm la, juz dont grow on sumwhere obvious on my face anD thERE! Hehe :P

HaRoLd visiTed mY houSe tis mornin, ard 7.15 am?? I was at d skOOL daT tyM. He haNded me sumThin dat IS NOT 4 ME! Hehe, he ask me to hand it to d frens at skOoL. And waT is dat?His latest cD. i toT he hands sum vcd or dvds for me. I was kinda HaPPy at 1st but take a more deeper peeK, cHew! Hehe :P

Lalalala...i neeD moTivaTION 2 stuDy Hard! Me so reckless. Dunno whY. B'cuz JaY chOw didnt msg me, dat why! Haha, JK onLi.

HeY 2daY i saW BOBBY!! d dog i haven seen for a whILe. It take a little while 4 him 2 regonise me bcuz i was wearin d fisHin haT waH. Then he sUddeNLy ruNs 2towrds me and greetme witH trIuMPs. CuTe la. I keeP on jumpin on me. Then he follows me on d way 2 plaza. NotreaLLy aLL d way la, halF d way onLI. Bcuz he wanTed 2 pee on d fresh grass waH. DOGS. Hehe... CUTE!!! I misS him LiaO!! AnD i misS my daRLIn also! Lalala..

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