Tuesday, April 26, 2005

HeY Ya ya

2daY kiNda sUcKz at 1st. WHY? Bcuz of MATHS!! D t'cher insult me again! SiaL!! I noe im weak in maths but no need lyt this bah! If i study, huh! then u noe my maths is ermm..okla!Hehe..but still...eEEYER!! HatE tiS PPL! SpoILt my mOOd onLi! I need my jaY comForT nOw! WuHuuu..(crying on jay's chest) Hahaa..GuD imaGinatiON! LOL

U noe wat? I change my monitor liaO!! Dat old monitor so sesak, knot tahan liao. Av tym while i online then d screen goes blacK...eHz, my netkard stiLL running eh! KnoT lyt daT!!So i change to phILips monitor. Quite comfortable wif it, d screen big big 1. Make me so pro lyt dat. Hahaha.
Haiz..HW agaiN...SuCK ehz, i dun wana do la. Wanna sLeePz betta! Haven finish my debate thing again oh! My team-mates also ler..more susah! Haha.

I saw sum1 who look lyt wilber at skOOL ehZ! I canT heLp lookiN at hiM. Then he LuK at meaLSo. Sure he feeLs scary 1. Haha. But theN he a malaY, if he didnt wear songko i wouldntknow dat! CooL!! My fren says he got twins lagi. WaH! Dat's meaNs goT 2 wiLber la? Hahaha!But it's not d originaL wiLber puN. So duN care la! Haha. Me feeLs so stress ah 2daY. Dunno Y. I haTe d stress given by d teachers. BLAR~~

My GP t'cher says i pass my test oh! YeaH!! So haPPy! Bcuz it's d only subject i pass!Wee..the other subject i fLunKed badLy! Bcuz me no stUdY waH!! AnD d teachers esp d mathst'cheR...HaIz!!!!

Lalalala...debaTe DEBATE DEBATE!! thE opposite grouP inclUdes 2 neRDs ehz! So scary!! Suredie la! I dun lyt tis! WHY WHY WHY??? "oH baBY y wUD u HuRts me so LonG~~." starting to sing "HurT" by NichOlas TeO.

These days meet so many weIrDo...anD so scary lyt dat. Bcuz thy lyt so desperate 2 finDsumthin lyt dat. WEIRD!! If u noe what im toking abt. DunnO la...mY darLin ah-JaY wiLLprotects me from these weIrdo forces,RYT aH JAY?? ( JaY noDs wiTh a sMiLe..and the dreamgoes on and on and on...) ThIs is AnnA's faNtasY. I eveN bring my fantasy to class...whiLe the lessons starts...I starts 2 thiNk abT jAY!! LOL..not dat serious la! Kekekeke...

Oh maN...i hate chEMISTRY!! So BluR waT is daT!! HaiZ! Prefer PhySic more, bCuz got noatoms and molecules stuff. Force is more interestin! But wiLL start so hate it when thetest cOmes... u=0 , v=0, g=9.18, T-mg=ma...wat de hecKs. NewTon's LaWz. NexT tyM i inverTAnna & JaY's LaW...whicH wILL goes lyt tis..

Anna&JaY's 1st LaW states dat eatin icekacang in front of anna wiLL experience a unexpicableforces from nowhere.

Anna&JaY's 2rD Law states dat anyone exerts a force on anna will experience a far more greaterforce on d head.

Anna&JaY's 3rd Law states dat anyone wiF charmin n cuTe personality wiLL be remember alwayz.LOL

Remember the laws oH!! If not u cant pass physic! Haha..JK!! ;P

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