Saturday, April 02, 2005

BaD daY

TodaY quiTE BadLucK anD gUD LucK alSO!! WHY? Okiez, let's starts on the bad news 1st, 1stof all, while i was enjoyin my soto mee (yupz yuPz).. due To the UnBalanCed anD sTrongForce on the piles oF FiLes In fornt of me suDDeNLY aLL smacH DowN to MY PRECIOUS SOTO MEEanD it aLL spILLs aLL oVer my BoDY!! NO!! I HavenT FinisH my SOTO MEE YET!! And Y there'sa sudden force come over me?? The main cause is AZIM!!! NexT time have to be carefuL eatingsoto mee in front of him liao =P. He kept on saying "SORRY". WeLL, u know, i know , BLUEknow that SORRY SEEMS TO BE THE HARDEST WORD. Oh wELL, i forgive him la! But he's still feelssorry though. Nvm's over alredI. AnD i LeARN mY LesSon...U have to PAY FOR UR FREE-LUncH!
WondERin y i says lyt dat? Bcuz i forgot to pay for da soto mee!! =P YEAHH!!! But then, ismeLL like SOTO MEE da whoLe DAY! Makes me malu to go near him ehz! =( . Hmmm..make nodifference also la, he always so far away from me! BlaR!!
Hmm..on the good news, today is SAT!! and when today finally arrive, it turns to bad newsagain. MY SIS AND BRO ARE NOT COMIN BACK TODAY!!!!! CB aHZ!! INsulT me ONe! CIs!! We putusrelationship la! I change my surname to CHOW noW! And im going marry to my dear ah-Jay!!So plz kOL me MRs.CHoW fRoM nOW on!! MRS.CHOW...MRS.CHOW...MRS.CHOW...MRS.CHOW...MRS.CHOW!!
AnD heRe's a gooD news for thOse wHo lyT BaD nEWs (in summary, it's a bad news for thosewho loves gooD news) I HaVE a NigHTMaRE tIs afTanoon! This DreaM is ReaLLY scarY ehz!!I dream oF HeR anD hER anD I weRe fightin oveR Da gUY! Im so SaD la..tis LOOKS So ReaL!!AnD i reaLLY lyT da guY anD i tuRns Up losiN to 'em! NO!! NO!! NO!! Y is Tis haPPenin to me?Y im the one tO LOSE HIM?? Tis haPPeNS so ManY timEs liao! Plz dun let tis dream turN intOREaL! IF NOT..I go MaRRY to JaY CHOW!!
Now im waiTin FOR tOMoLO agaIN!! Lalala..paTricK let's go couNT saND!! SpongebOB, u can joinus too! AnD theN we go eaT kruBBY PaTTY aT krusTy CraB! YeaH!!

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